Knotted Chair
From 1946 to today Cappellini is passed through a deep transformation that has brought the Firm to compare with the most different circles of the world of furnishings and design. From the first approaches to the international creativeness, passing through the marketing of pieces of high quality, to the presentation of designers of different extraction and character, Cappellini gave life during the years to different collections, heterogeneous, but that cohabit with great harmony and facility under the same brand. Cappellini therefore, born as an handicraft Firm, has leaned out to the new millennium indissolubly tied to the world of the image, of the experimentation and of the search of models, often of the most refined simplicity, that leaves enough space to the consumer for an individual interpretation. The products of Cappellini are never boring neither absurd, but they always possess something of alive and light, often full of healthy humor, other times proposing brave and dynamics formal solutions: these are the characteristics that make the collection Cappellini full of vivacious fractures and contradictions. Bravely, Cappellini keeps on working with designers of the whole world, different temperaments that don't create a real "Cappellini’s style", but that compete to form a balanced and convincing collection.